Credit Application
RE: CREDIT AGREEMENT 2025 Dear Prospective Customer:
Thank you for considering AC Supply Company as your vendor. We are a full-service source for air conditioning, industrial, mechanical, ventilation, and refrigeration materials.
The form below is our Credit Agreement. Any information you provide will be kept confidential and used only for our credit-granting purposes.
If you do business in Texas and use your resale number, could you be sure to complete the tax certificate? Also, to purchase refrigerant and equipment, you must include valid copies of your Texas Air Conditioning Contractor’s License (required by Texas State Law) and a good copy of your EPA certification.
On the form below, you can also find our credit terms of sale. Please read them and sign them at the bottom of the page. The signature of the Owner(s), Partner(s), or Corporate Officer(s) is required on the Continuing Guaranty and Credit Terms of Sales.
Once all the information is filled out, SIGN PDF and fax your agreement to us at 817.922.0656 or email to
We are excited to serve you in the future—best wishes for a successful and profitable year. Should you have any questions, please call us at the branch closest to you. I’ve included them below for you to have a look at.
A/C Supply Co., Inc.